News from Shaun Chamberlin

teqs2 logoShaun brings news from the Fleming Policy Centre. In the December 2015 TEQs newsletter he writes:

“As the fallout continues, many of you may be confused by the outcome of the recent COP21 climate talks in Paris, variously reported as:

“A victory for all of the planet and future generations” ~ John Kerry, U.S. Secretary of State
We did it! A turning point in human history! ~ Avaaz
“10/10 for presentation, 4/10 for content” ~ Kevin Anderson, climate scientist
A historic moment and positive step forward … but not the legally-binding science and justice-based agreement that was needed ~ Friends of the Earth UK
“A sham” ~ Friends of the Earth International
“It’s a fraud really, a fake” ~ James Hansen, climate scientist
Our leaders have shown themselves willing to set our world on fire ~ Naomi Klein, author/activist
“Epic fail on a planetary scale” ~ New Internationalist
The US is a cruel hypocrite. This is a deliberate plan to make the rich richer and the poor poorer ~ Lidy Nacpil, Asian People’s Movement on Debt and Development

COP21: a clear win for political reality – a clear loss for every life form dependent on a livable climate

Our take is that when there is a fundamental rift between the physical reality of our changing climate and the political reality tasked with responding to this, this agreement – based on voluntary emissions pledges which even if met would mean more emissions in 2030 than today – is a clear win for political reality. In other words, a clear loss for every life form dependent on a livable climate.

Sadly, it is not hard to identify the agendas of those hailing the Paris agreement as a great success. The whole conference has, in essence, been smoke and mirrors, distracting us from the real work of reintegrating human society with the reality that it depends on. As most impartial observers predicted, the UN have again failed to deliver an agreement that preserves the future of either humanity or the wider biosphere.

The Paris agreement is, in short, based on non-binding commitments to deliver on dodgy mathematics through the application of technologies that do not yet (and may never) exist.

TEQs is the alternative – a Citizens’ Energy Framework for retaining both a benign climate and secure access to energy.

In other words, everything we love.


David Fleming’s Lean Logic


Shaun Chamberlin prepared his great friend’s manuscript for publication, and marked the recent fifth anniversary of Fleming’s death by releasing his editor’s preface.

lean logic 2 coverLeft: the cover for the full posthumous publication of TEQs creator David Fleming’s unique masterwork Lean Logic: A Dictionary for the Future and How to Survive It, which is now available for pre-order, and has its own dedicated web page. Note that TEQs is only one of 400+ entries therein, so this book gives a MUCH broader idea of Fleming’s radical vision.

Shaun has also produced a paperback version in a more conventional read-it-front-to-back format. Surviving the Future: Culture, Carnival and Capital in the Aftermath of the Market Economy is intended to provide a lighter introduction to Fleming’s entertaining writing.

Both books will be published simultaneously in the summer. Pre-orders can now be placed with Chelsea Green (U.S. orders – currently offering a 35% pre-Christmas discount!) or the Green Shopping Network (U.K./European orders)

Please follow our Twitter account: @TEQsUK

Read the whole newsletter here:[UNIQID]


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